Terms of Service
This Privacy Policy is a legally binding agreement between Just4fun Limited and its Affiliates (“Just4fun” or “us“) and you. Affiliates shall mean subsidiaries, parent companies, joint ventures and other corporate entities under common ownership with Just4fun. By using or accessing our mobile or web applications, games, websites, and/or other services owned, operated and published to you by Just4fun (the “Services”) you agree to be bound by This Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy describes how we may collect and use your personal information, including personal information, that you provide or we collect in connection with our Services.You further agree that you have read, understand, and accept This Privacy Policy by your use and continued use of the Services.
Personal Identifiable Information
Personal information means any information that may be used to identify an individual, including, but not limited to, a first and last name, email address, home address, postal or other physical address, other contact information, title, occupation, industry, personal interests, and other information when needed to provide a service or product or carry out a transaction you have requested. Unless you choose to voluntarily provide the information to us, we do not collect personally identifiable information about you, such as your name, address, telephone number, fax number, or e-mail address. For instance, you may be asked to provide us with your personal information when you apply for a job opening, register to attend a company event, or wish to subscribe to a newsletter. If you elect to submit any personal information, your submission is subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and you consent to such terms.
We may use your Information for any of the following purposes:
  • to provide our services to you;
  • for customer service, security, fraud-detection, archival and backup purposes in connection with the provision of our services;
  • to provide you with advertising (as discussed in more detail under the “Advertising” section below);
  • to better understand how you access and use our services, for the purposes of trying to improve our services and to respond to customer desires and preferences, including language and location customization, personalized help and instructions, or other responses to your and other customers’ usage of our services;
  • to help us develop our new services and improve our existing services;
  • to assess the effectiveness of and improve advertising and other marketing and promotional activities on or in connection with our services;
  • for the purposes of software verification or administering software upgrades;
  • to allow you to participate in surveys and other activities about our products and services.
  • Please note that for the purposes of seeking to provide our users with a better experience, to improve our services or otherwise where you have consented, Personal Information collected through one of our services may, subject to user privacy controls (where available), be used by our other services (including in an aggregated or individualized manner). For example, Personal Information collected during your use of one of our services may be used to suggest particular content that can be made available to you on another service or be used to try to present more relevant advertising to you in another service.
    What about Children?
    Children Under 13
    Once a child states that his/her age is under 13, they will be unable to register an account with us. We do not knowingly collect or store any personally identifiable information from children under 13. If parents believe that we have unintentionally collected their childrens’ personal information, they may request the deletion of the information by contacting us [business_global@just4fun.sg]
    Note to Parents We recognize a special obligation to protect personal information about young children. We urge parents to instruct their children to never give out their real names, addresses, or phone numbers, without permission, when on-line. Teenagers under the age of 17 and over the age of 12 should encourage their parents to review this policy and to contact us [business_global@just4fun.sg] if they would like to evoke our opt-out policy or to raise any concerns.
    How we use information collected
    We will not sell or rent your personal information at any time under any circumstance. We only use your personal information for several general purposes: to fulfill your requests for certain products and services, to personalize your experience on our Services, to keep you up to date on the latest product announcements, software updates, special offers or other information we think you would like to hear about either from us or from our business partners, and to better understand your needs and provide you with better services. We may also use your information to send you, or to have our business partners send you, direct marketing information or contact you for market research. However, we may provide certain portion of your personal information to law executive organs and government authorities as so requested; and We might disclose certain portion of your personal information within a strictly limited scope of recipients when we reasonably thinks it is necessary for protecting us, its customers or the public. You shall have foreseen and agreed to the occurrence of such events when you provide your personal information.