Terms of Service
In order to measure the effectiveness of our online presence, some pages on our Services may use cookies, which are small text files that a site transfers to a user’s (visitor’s) hard disk or browser for added functionality or for tracking site usage. We and our third party tracking-utility partnership may from time to time use cookies to log your IP address and to determine the path users take on our site and to identify repeat users of our site, but we do not link your IP address to your personal information. If you do not wish to receive cookies, or want to be notified of when they are placed, you may set your web browser to do so, if your browser permits.
iew this policy and to contact us [business_global@just4fun.sg] if they would like to evoke our opt-out policy or to raise any concerns.
  • remembering you. For example, cookies, web beacons and similar technologies can help us identify you as a registered user of our services or keep the preferences or information that you have previously provided;
  • analyzing how you use our services. We can use cookies, web beacons and similar technologies to understand what users are doing on our services, or which pages or sections are most popular;
  • serving advertising. Cookies, web beacons and similar technologies help us provide you with advertising that we believe are relevant to you, based on your information;
  • credit card information and other financial data required to process payments when using one of our services may be collected and stored by third party payment processors or our own payment processors. Those payment processors may provide us with a cookie or similar technology that enables you to make additional purchases using the payment information you have already provided